Join members of the Chamber and the Malden community to hear Mayor Gary Christenson present an overview of 2020 and share his vision for 2021.
This year’s presentation will be virtual, but in these historic times, it will be as informative and entertaining as ever.
Click below to register for your exclusive link to the event.
Early registration (before February 16) is $20.
After February 16th each link is $25.
You will receive your Zoom link and breakfast suggestions before the event.
Forest, Walker & DiMarcoThis event is supported by local businesses:
Presenting Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Bronze Sponsor
Are you interested in joining this group of respected organizations as a sponsor of this signature event? Click here to view the commitment levels and benefits. Contact Joan Ford Mongeau director@maldenchamber.org for more information.
Want to learn more about Chamber sponsorships for other events and programs? Here are all the opportunities for visibility offered by the Chamber. 2021 Chamber Sponsorship Packages.