Mark your calendars and make your reservation for another great networking event. Indulge in delicious appetizers and a cash bar!
What’s New
We’re handling tables a little differently than we have in the past, recognizing that a lot has changed from the pandemic.
- Each Chamber will have one table for their members’ brochures and business cards.
- Tables will be shared by up to 3 members and are first-come, first-served.
- Tables can’t be reserved in advance. You can arrive early (but no earlier than 4:30) to claim a spot.
- Encouraged: business cards, small giveaway items (pen, notepad, magnet), brochures or pamphlets or flyers
- Discouraged: pop-up displays, banners, tablecloths, or large items
Join area professionals from several area chambers
Arlington, Burlington, Lexington, Malden, Medford, Reading/North Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield, Waltham, Wilmington/Tewksbury, Winchester, Woburn
Members: $10
Not Yet Members: $20
Diamond Sponsor organizations no charge