Even if you can’t meet in person, that doesn’t mean business – or the need to build relationships – stops. In fact, without the natural interactions that go along with in-person work and events, it’s even more important to be proactive in your networking efforts.
Wednesday, September 30th
3:30 -5:00 pm
Join us via Zoom for a relaxed but structured virtual networking session. It’s networking…a new way!
Here’s how it works:
- When you arrive you will be placed in a random breakout room with 6 or 7 other people. (This number may vary depending on the total number of attendees.)
- Each person will have the opportunity to spend two minutes introducing themselves with a mix of professional and personal information.
- If time allows, the host will propose a discussion question for the remaining time. For example, “What changes have you made to your business in due to Covid-19?”
- After an allotted amount of time, attendees will be switched, randomly, to another breakout room for further introductions.
$10 for Members
$20 for Prospective Members
Instructions will be mailed with your confirmation.